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Friday, December 3, 2010

Sunny In Baghdad

Holy cow Slayden, where have you been?  Why haven't you blogged lately?  Those are some of the messages being sent to me so here I am.  I've been a little behind, I know.  Finally made it to Baghdad and it feels great!  It's weird to be back in the Middle East.  To see the palm trees yet not see an ocean.  To smell that familiar smell yet not know where it comes from.  Things are actually going really well.  I'm surprised at how nice our base is.  Every week is a lobster and steak night so you can picture what it's like. There's even a pond to fish in.  

Instead of living in a tent (like last time,) I'm residing in a "CHU" which is a containerized housing unit.  It has a window complete with curtain, two beds, two wall lockers, and two night stands.  Some war huh?  Oh wait, this is Operation New Dawn a.k.a. Operation Trade Time For Money.  I'm hopeful the time will go by fast.  We are working 24 hour shifts so it seems like the weeks will go by pretty quick.  We are in the heart of Baghdad.  I bet this place would have been nice to visit.  It actually has a neat skyline even though most of it is still blown to hell from the "shock & awe."  

This may upset some of you but I've decided not to take a "picture of the day."  I'm just not motivated enough to do it, YET.  I'll post pictures occasionally so you'll just have to "stand by to stand by."  Honestly, I haven't taken too many pictures at all.  It's identical to last time and I already have about 5,000 pictures from the last deployment so why take the same pictures again?  Somebody will set me straight on that I'm sure.  

Well, that's all for now I suppose.  I'll be better.  Hope everyone is doing well.


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