I updated some of the songs that I've been listening to a lot. Look them up on iTunes or YouTube and check them out! Hope everyone is doing well.
A Thousand Words From A World Away
On August 21, 2010, I start a 2nd deployment back to the Middle East. This blog will document my time in training as well as my time in Baghdad, Iraq. My goal is to take a picture a day as well as try and post a few times a week. Hope you enjoy it...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
And The Oscar Goes To...
Not so fast! I haven’t even reviewed any of the films! Ok, it’s time for me to channel my inner Siskel & Ebert and tell you about these films. Just so you know. I will not claim that I’m a great critic. Hell, I don’t even know what a great critic entails, I’m just writing. Here goes nothin’...
127 Hours
According to IMDB.com, this movie is an 8.1 out of 10. I think thats a fair assessment. I wasn’t blown away by this movie but it was fun to watch for sure. Its amazing how far we can push ourselves physically. I remember very vividly Basic Training at Ft. Sill Oklahoma being pushed to my limit, or so I thought. We can always go just a foot further, or a minute longer. We just have to will ourselves to do it. James Franco plays Aron Ralston, an avid climber from Colorado who finds himself in a peculiar predicament. In 2003, Aron was forced to amputate his right arm with a dull knife in order to be freed from a boulder. I think this film was nominated for the sole reason that the human spirit, once challenged, will prevail.
If you haven’t watched this film yet, please do. It inspired me in many ways. One being, it made me appreciate the relationships I have. It also made me realize what’s important in my life: family, friends, relationships. It may inspire you in a completely different way. 127 Hours is a film that portrays the human spirit as it truly is: A boulder, inpenetrable and lasting forever, even with only one arm.
The Social Network
What a crazy movie! What is that site that we all are addicted to? Face...face...face something? Ah, FACEBOOK! IMDB.com gives this film a 8.2 out of 10. I would rate it more like a 9. Its about time we find out what is behind this world wide phenomenon that is Facebook. For those of you who’ve never seen Mark Zuckerburg (so-called creator of Facbeook,) Jesse Eisenberg is a perfect match. Not only in the looks department but in the awkward, nerdy, witty, and eccentric department as well. Eisenberg, a great actor, plays the same type of character in his movies. If you’ve seen Adventureland or Zombieland you’ll understand. He plays the same “type” of guy. I guess he does it well.
The madness that is Facebook comes to life in this well written movie. The one funny thing behind this movie is that Zuckerburg had nothing to do with it. In fact, he denied interviews. I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not. Why would he deny an interview? Is it because he knew he was going to be the “bad guy” in the film? I’m just about to start the book the movie is based on: The Accidental Billionaires. I’ll keep you posted on how closely they are related.
I also want to say that I love original scores(music) to movies and this movie has an unbelievable soundtrack.
This leads to my last question. What will the next random person in society discover that will make him or her the next billionaire?
True Grit
Does a remake deserve a nod at Best Picture? I personally don’t think so, but I’m not the man that makes the decision. I don’t even think movies should be remade to begin with. It was an original idea when it was made, why tamper with it and modernize it? Thats just me.
Okay, first things first. I think Hailee Steinfeld stole the entire film. Her straight-to-the-point sassiness was hilarious. If I ever have a daughter, I hope she grows up to be like Steinfeld’s character. Mattie Ross didn’t take guff from anyone, including Rooster Cogburn (Jeff Bridges.) Bridges plays a U.S. Marshall named Rooster. He is a hard-nosed, alcoholic with a little sass himself.
Mattie, looking for someone who can track down her father’s killer, pays Rooster to track him down in “Indian country.” She insists coming along but Rooster leaves a little early and she’s left behind. He must have thought she’d just roll over and wait for him to get back. She did the opposite, she caught right up to him!
The film was filled with stars like Matt Damon and one of my favorites, Barry Pepper. An all-star cast is only one way to get an Oscar nod. Great acting and a great script will get the job done as well. If you like Westerns, this is right up your alley.
Toy Story 3
How often does an animated film get nominated for Best Picture? Can it take home the coveted golden statue? Sure. Will it? We’ll have to wait and see. If I had kept all my toys till I was about to begin college, I would have been considered very awkward considering I really didn’t start college till I was 25. Andy, however, is starting when the majority of people do, straight out of high school. The film basically gets turned over to the toys because of this reason. After the toys experience total chaos at the local day care, Andy decides he should donate the beloved toys to a little girl who attends the day care.
For some reason, most animated films always bring a little tear to my eye. Toy Story 3 help up its end of the bargain, I shed a few dammit. I hate admitting that! Anyway, Toy Story 3 is a great movie that even a battle-hardened soldier can appreciate.
The Fighter
I’m going to say 3 words and 3 words only, well at first. Christian freakin’ bale. Talk about doing what you can to make the film awesome. The man dropped 63 pounds for this film. He usually walks around at 230 pounds and had to cut down to 170 to look like a welterweight fighter. It took me about 20 minutes to even realize it was him! Anyway, The film is about dicky and micky ward. Dicky is played by Bale and Micky, played by Mark Wahlberg, who does an equally amazing job.
Dicky, a crack crazed, washed up boxer who’s only real claim to life was allegedly knocking down Sugar Ray Leonard. Micky, can’t seem to get out from under his shadow, that is, until he decides to stop using his family as his trainers and managers. Its then that Micky steps into the lime light and finally starts winning.
I can see this movie winning Best Picture purely on what Christian Bale did to make it great. I guess thats why he’s nominated for Best Supporting Actor.
Winter’s Bone
This film probably isn’t as well known as it should be. It was very powerful nonetheless. More of an Indie-type film, I’d not expect it to be a huge hit at your local Edward’s Theatre. I, however, thought it was very inspiring, much like 127 hours.
Jennifer Lawrence plays Ree Dolly, a 17 year old girl who is the “mother” of the house. She takes care of her ailing mother, and a younger brother and sister. Her father, who was in jail, has skipped bail and has put their house up for the bond. The sheriff gets involved after he skips bail and tells Ree that if she doesn’t find her father, they will lose their home.
In the backwoods of the Ozarks, meth rules her family and neighbors. Her father was indeed jailed for cooking meth. It is through this neighborly connection that Ree finds the remains of her father, even if it took her getting beaten up to do it. Like 127 hours, we all have something in us that is good, that is powerful, that can endure anything. We all have something in us that will allow us to “step up” to the plate and deal with the bad things that happen to us. This is a definite “buyer” for me when I get home from Iraq. It should be at least a “renter” for you!
Black Swan
Okay just so we’re clear, I took a lot of crap for liking this movie but thats because most people think I only thought it was good because of the obvious: a love scene between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. Well, I’m going to be completely honest, that scene was so HOT but don’t think thats the only reason I like the movie. Natalie Portman did amazing in this film and I believe she’ll take home the award for Best Actress. I have never been a fan of ballet but what this film showed me is that these dancers are true athletes. Albeit, they do go a little far for a part. Portman showed us what a dancer will do to get that coveted “featured part.” She let the role get the best of her and she went crazy.
What else could a man like about this film other than a love scene between two women you ask. How about a wonderful screenplay, great acting by all the characters and beautiful cinematography. Believe me when I say this movie will be one of the two finalists for Best Picture. Oh, and one more thing, the tattoo on Mila Kunis‘ back blew me away!
The King’s Speech
If the Queen of England herself approved of this movie, I suppose its a pretty good flick. The King’s Speech is about King George VI and his battle with “stammering.” What is unbelievable about this film is that it portrays a person in power who seems to be powerless. Everything about King George VI was pointing toward him being unfit as the new King of England. To get beyond this, he asks for help from an unorthodox speech therapist played by Geoffrey Rush. What is unorthodox about him is that the therapist has had no formal speech training. Colin Firth’s character is able to push beyond his stammering and delivers wonderful speeches to his country. Rush’s character, Lionel Logue becomes a great friend of the King and is present when King George gives the majority of his speeches.
What I love about this film is that it shows us “normal folk” that Royalty are not perfect. Sure they are well dressed, have wonderful manners, and are well off but they are not immune from the problems that plague the people they rule over.
Okay, as you can see, there are only nine reviews here where there should be ten. I was unable to watch “The Kids are Alright.” My friend Matt Stocking sent it to me but it didn’t record right so...I won’t be able to review it. From what I’ve read though, I don’t think it will win anyway. So, what is my pick for Best Picture at the 2011 Oscars?
The King’s Speech
I truly think this movie will win. Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush deliver amazing performances and I think that what they did will help this film bring home the statue for Best Picture as well as Best Actor.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my reviews. It was fun to watch all these films and make my decision. There is a reason they are all nominated, they are wonderful movies.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
This Is How Bored I Am!
It has gotten pretty boring around Baghdad lately. I guess no news is good news though right? Well, for those who don’t know, I’m a huge film buff. So, I decided I’d watch all the films that are Oscar nominees for Best Picture and write a review about each film as well as give my pick on which film will take the coveted statue home.
These are the movies that are nominated for Best Picture, in no particular order:
127 Hours
Black Swan
The Social Network
The Fighter
The Kid’s Are All Right
Winter’s Bone
Toy Story 3
True Grit
The King’s Speech
Stay Tuned!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Nothing To Say...
I'm sorry I haven't written lately. To be honest, I haven't been motivated. So much stuff going on at home and here that isn't worth talking about. I'll be back soon though I'm sure...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Webster's Dictionary defines hero as "one who shows great courage." I agree with that, to a point. Is a hero someone who has the 'courage' to go bridge jumping? Is a hero someone who has the 'courage' to make a decision they know will not be looked upon as a good decision? I think that is more being brave than being a hero. A hero is someone who goes above and beyond to make those around him or her better. Someone who does this instinctively and does not ask for reward.
A hero to me is someone like a mother. A mother who gets up early to make her family breakfast, who endures the pains of birth, who has unconditional love for her children. A hero to me is someone like a father. A father who goes out into the world everyday to provide for his family. Who has to live in another city so that his family can have a roof over their head in a different city. Who still loves his teenage son even when it's hard to.
My Mother and Father are my heroes. They both love me unconditionally, even when I make decisions they are unhappy with. My Mother still loved me when I reenlisted knowing I would be deployed again. My Father still loved me when we had a "heart-to-heart" at a Chinese Food restaurant in Nampa Idaho, even though what he was hearing was not what he wanted to hear. Both my parents have endured many pains at my hands and I will never be able to repay them.
I'm positive a lot of you see your parents as heroes as well. But, who are your other heroes? Who, in the world, have you been inspired by? Who, when you hear their name, instantly gives you goose bumps? Who did you look up to when you were young? Michael Jordan? Lance Armstrong? Superman? What about an ordinary NFL player?
In 2001, Pat Tillman was a couple years into an NFL contract with the Arizona Cardinals and was up for negotiation of a new contract. On September 11th, he was shocked much like the rest of our country. It was then that he made a decision that most thought was the wrong decision. He gave up everything to join the U.S. Army Rangers. Why would he do that? Why give up millions of dollars to make less than 2,000 a month as a private? Duty, honor, respect, selfless service, integrity, loyalty, personal courage. 7 qualities you must have to be in the United States Army. Pat had those qualities before he joined. That's why it was the right decision.
As part of the Rangers, Pat served in Iraq and Afghanistan till he was killed by friendly fire. It's the ultimate tragedy to me. A person giving up everything he's ever known to fight for his country. I've read 2 books about Pat, Where Men Win Glory by John Krakauer and Boots On The Ground by Mary Tillman, Pat's mother. If you get the chance, I highly recommend reading both of these books. They are both an in-depth look at Pat. His character and drive amaze me every time I read about him or even think of him.
Garth Brooks wrote a song that I think describes Pat Tillman perfectly called The Change
One hand reaches out and pulls a lost soul from harm,
While a thousand more, go unspoken for.
And they say what good have you done? By saving just this one?
It's like whispering a prayer in the furry of a storm.
I hear them saying, you'll never change things.
And no matter what you do its still the same thing.
But its not the world that I am changing, I do this so this world will know that it will not change me.
This heart still believes that love and mercy still exist.
While all the hatreds rage, and so many say that love is all but pointless, and madness such as this.
Its like trying to stop a fire with the moisture from a kiss.
I hear them saying, you'll never change things.
And no matter what you do its still the same thing.
But its not the world that I am changing, I do this so this world will know that it will not change me.
As long as one heart still holds on than hope is never really gone.
I hear them saying, you'll never change things.
And no matter what you do its still the same thing.
But its not the world that I am changing, I do this so this world we know never changes me.
What I do is so this world will know that it will not change me.
Pat Tillman, you are my hero. Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice so I can be free. It was you that motivated me to join the Army and serve my country.
Monday, December 6, 2010
All Dressed Up With No Place To Go
Its been a weird few days for me. We work 24 hour shifts with 24 off and I have a lot of time with my thoughts. One recurring question I have is: What exactly am I doing here? I'm sure a lot of you have your own answers to that question and I guess so do I. I'm just trying to figure out EXACTLY why we are here...still. At least in previous wars, correct me if I'm wrong, we had a distinct purpose. And I guess to a certain degree, there was a purpose to this one as well, no matter how tainted or corrupt it was. So, here we are, 9 years and counting. What is the purpose now? What are we spending millions or should I say billions of dollars for? Why is there 8 lights on surrounding a soccer field on our base with no one playing soccer? I guess it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me anymore.
The other day we were called to a scene for crowd control. I may get in trouble for saying this but oh well I guess. People were gathering around a secured area where there was a suspicious package. Anyone want to know what that package was? Any guesses? Okay, I'll tell you. It was a box of toilet paper. Guess where it was? Next to a portable toilet (port-a-john.) How funny right? Okay that's why I'm confused about the reason we're here. Am I here to make sure people don't get suspicious of a box of TP next to a toilet? Heaven forbid someone try to keep the stuff stocked up.
Part of me is just frustrated a little. Can you tell? On my last tour, we actually went out on missions that would better the people of this country. We actually spent time "outside the wire" looking for insurgents. And I suppose there are those soldiers still so I guess what I'm doing is just a let down for me. My platoon would do 24 hour operations and that didn't mean sitting in a building waiting, it meant we got enough food and water to last us that time and went out and hid in the bushes near a road or sat on a roof top observing.
In 2004 when I was in northern Iraq, things were completely different. I lived in a tent, ate 2 meals a day and they were luke warm at best. This tour I can have 4 meals a day, shower everyday and use as much water as I want. I have access to unlimited Gatorade, Coke, Mountain Dew, Pepsi and Mongolian BBQ as I could possibly want. SGT Polson, a great friend of mine, put it perfectly: No matter where America goes, whether it be for a war or not, it lives in abundance. Yesterday was steak and lobster for dinner. How the hell does that happen? How do I go from struggling some days to find something to eat at home to eating lobster with the person serving me asking if I want 2? I almost feel bad wasting the food that I get too. In '04, Iraqi kids would fight over a "Jolly Rancher" and I have a box in my CHU collecting dust. I don't know, maybe I'm just rambling and none of this makes sense to any of you.
Alright I'm done, thanks for reading... P.S. Thats me in the middle. :)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sunny In Baghdad
Holy cow Slayden, where have you been? Why haven't you blogged lately? Those are some of the messages being sent to me so here I am. I've been a little behind, I know. Finally made it to Baghdad and it feels great! It's weird to be back in the Middle East. To see the palm trees yet not see an ocean. To smell that familiar smell yet not know where it comes from. Things are actually going really well. I'm surprised at how nice our base is. Every week is a lobster and steak night so you can picture what it's like. There's even a pond to fish in.
Instead of living in a tent (like last time,) I'm residing in a "CHU" which is a containerized housing unit. It has a window complete with curtain, two beds, two wall lockers, and two night stands. Some war huh? Oh wait, this is Operation New Dawn a.k.a. Operation Trade Time For Money. I'm hopeful the time will go by fast. We are working 24 hour shifts so it seems like the weeks will go by pretty quick. We are in the heart of Baghdad. I bet this place would have been nice to visit. It actually has a neat skyline even though most of it is still blown to hell from the "shock & awe."
This may upset some of you but I've decided not to take a "picture of the day." I'm just not motivated enough to do it, YET. I'll post pictures occasionally so you'll just have to "stand by to stand by." Honestly, I haven't taken too many pictures at all. It's identical to last time and I already have about 5,000 pictures from the last deployment so why take the same pictures again? Somebody will set me straight on that I'm sure.
Well, that's all for now I suppose. I'll be better. Hope everyone is doing well.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wrong Time Of Year For Bourbon Street
It was a sad night on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. I think it was "over 40" night or something because there was no one my age down there. The people who were all had "high-n-tights" like me. The Idaho National Guard took over... And to be honest, it was all the same thing. Maybe I'll come down for Mardi Gras or something...
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The Crowd |
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Life On The Swamp
Headed toward New Orleans we ran into a swamp tours business called Cajun Encounters (cajunencounters.com) It was the best $23 I've spent in a long time. "Captain Ted" took us on a 2 hour swamp tour where we saw alligators, cranes, snakes, and turtles. It was a great first day to our 4 day pass before shipping out. Stay tuned for more...
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Captain Ted |
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010
If any of you have questions about the training, military life, or anything at all feel free to ask away!
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