Then - Using a poncho to shield the rain from his face as he's digging his fox hole to sleep in, reading a rain soaked hand written letter from his mother or wife, frozen boots in Bastogne or soaking wets boots in Okinawa with nothing but the shirt his back to keep him warm, using his hat as a way to push cool air to his face, sleeping where he sat down hoping it stays dry throughout the night..."Word is Battalion Mess is serving Cokes and steaks tonight, might even get a movie." "You just wonder when in the hell is this going to be over. Here I am, been out here for over 2 years and its still goin' and when are we goin' to get out of this mess. When we gonna get back where we can have on dry clothes for the whole day, and live like human beings, instead of like rats."
They were definitely a different breed. I'll never be able to live up to what they did or sacrificed so I can have such an amazing life, no matter how horrible I think it may be...